WEBVTT 00:00:00.640 --> 00:00:02.330 For years, the message about 00:00:02.330 --> 00:00:04.290 human trafficking has been, "it 00:00:04.290 --> 00:00:06.200 can happen to anyone." 00:00:06.209 --> 00:00:08.650 And that is true. 00:00:08.660 --> 00:00:09.330 Sex and labor trafficking 00:00:09.339 --> 00:00:11.360 victims and survivors can be 00:00:11.360 --> 00:00:13.660 men and women, boys and girls, 00:00:14.040 --> 00:00:16.230 people of any ages and gender identities 00:00:16.899 --> 00:00:18.120 They can be U. S. 00:00:18.120 --> 00:00:20.380 citizens or foreign nationals, 00:00:20.390 --> 00:00:23.820 documented or undocumented. They may 00:00:23.829 --> 00:00:25.980 be of any race, of any nationality, 00:00:25.989 --> 00:00:29.100 of any sexual orientation or identity. 00:00:30.429 --> 00:00:32.510 But while trafficking CAN 00:00:32.510 --> 00:00:34.700 happen to anyone, there are some 00:00:34.700 --> 00:00:36.960 situations and conditions that make 00:00:36.960 --> 00:00:38.679 certain people far more 00:00:38.679 --> 00:00:41.429 vulnerable than others. 00:00:41.450 --> 00:00:42.430 This is important 00:00:42.440 --> 00:00:43.830 and maybe a little different 00:00:43.830 --> 00:00:44.950 than what you thought. If you 00:00:44.950 --> 00:00:46.630 have seen posters or warnings 00:00:46.630 --> 00:00:48.500 that human trafficking is 00:00:48.509 --> 00:00:51.250 "happening right there in our backyards," 00:00:52.340 --> 00:00:54.310 it really depends on what 00:00:54.320 --> 00:00:56.530 else is in your backyard. 00:00:56.530 --> 00:00:58.149 Your community. 00:00:58.579 --> 00:01:00.580 Data shows that the majority 00:01:00.580 --> 00:01:02.460 of trafficking victims identified 00:01:02.460 --> 00:01:04.320 in the United States, are people 00:01:04.320 --> 00:01:06.750 of color, indigenous communities, 00:01:07.140 --> 00:01:11.299 immigrants, and people who identify as LGBTQ+. 00:01:12.500 --> 00:01:14.200 That's because trafficking 00:01:14.200 --> 00:01:16.900 doesn't happen in a vacuum. 00:01:17.000 --> 00:01:18.540 It is the end result of other 00:01:18.540 --> 00:01:21.040 persistent, current, and historical 00:01:21.040 --> 00:01:23.650 inequities in our society and economy. 00:01:25.240 --> 00:01:27.210 These inequities, which foster 00:01:27.210 --> 00:01:29.650 vulnerabilities to trafficking, are 00:01:29.650 --> 00:01:32.599 concentrated in some communities. 00:01:32.599 --> 00:01:33.930 Communities that have historically faced 00:01:33.930 --> 00:01:37.170 discrimination and its political, social 00:01:37.180 --> 00:01:40.500 and economic consequences. 00:01:40.549 --> 00:01:42.550 People living in poverty are vulnerable 00:01:42.550 --> 00:01:44.350 because of simple economic need. 00:01:45.740 --> 00:01:47.510 People who grew up or are living in 00:01:47.510 --> 00:01:49.550 foster care, often have dealt with 00:01:49.550 --> 00:01:52.430 trauma, abuse and instability that 00:01:52.430 --> 00:01:53.780 leaves them vulnerable 00:01:53.789 --> 00:01:55.400 to emotional manipulation. 00:01:55.990 --> 00:01:57.310 People struggling with 00:01:57.310 --> 00:01:59.030 addiction can be lured into 00:01:59.030 --> 00:02:01.050 trafficking with drugs and alcohol. 00:02:02.840 --> 00:02:05.670 Basic physical needs like unstable 00:02:05.670 --> 00:02:08.099 housing can create an opening for traffickers 00:02:08.150 --> 00:02:11.599 to offer a solution with strings attached. 00:02:12.449 --> 00:02:14.170 Immigration status is 00:02:14.170 --> 00:02:16.050 another significant vulnerability. 00:02:17.240 --> 00:02:19.260 Many immigrants are fleeing violence 00:02:19.260 --> 00:02:21.230 or poverty, and traffickers can 00:02:21.229 --> 00:02:23.009 exploit their fears of being 00:02:23.009 --> 00:02:24.460 forced to return. 00:02:25.150 --> 00:02:26.460 A real life story 00:02:26.460 --> 00:02:28.150 of how traffickers prey on the 00:02:28.150 --> 00:02:30.260 vulnerabilities of their victims is the 00:02:30.260 --> 00:02:32.160 case of Andrew Blaine Fields. 00:02:33.540 --> 00:02:35.320 Fields recruited vulnerable women in 00:02:35.320 --> 00:02:37.010 the Tampa Bay Area who were 00:02:37.010 --> 00:02:39.060 providing commercial sex or performing 00:02:39.060 --> 00:02:41.480 at strip clubs. He promised 00:02:41.480 --> 00:02:42.490 to help get them off the 00:02:42.490 --> 00:02:46.120 streets. Instead, he intentionally 00:02:46.120 --> 00:02:48.009 escalated their drug use into 00:02:48.009 --> 00:02:51.009 full-blown addictions. Then he 00:02:51.009 --> 00:02:52.770 coerced his victims to sell sex for 00:02:52.770 --> 00:02:54.730 his profit by threatening to 00:02:54.730 --> 00:02:58.460 withhold the drugs. In 2013, 00:02:58.470 --> 00:03:00.350 Fields was convicted and sentenced 00:03:00.350 --> 00:03:02.450 to nearly 34 years in prison. 00:03:03.540 --> 00:03:05.340 This case is a powerful example 00:03:05.350 --> 00:03:06.890 of the many ways traffickers 00:03:06.890 --> 00:03:08.290 can exert control over their 00:03:08.290 --> 00:03:09.910 victims and make the choice to 00:03:09.910 --> 00:03:11.960 leave the situation seem impossible.