WEBVTT 00:00:00.940 --> 00:00:02.510 For many years, human 00:00:02.510 --> 00:00:04.150 trafficking trainings have focused on 00:00:04.150 --> 00:00:06.570 teaching people about the "signs" or 00:00:06.580 --> 00:00:09.530 "indicators" of trafficking. These might 00:00:09.530 --> 00:00:11.030 be things like a person looking 00:00:11.030 --> 00:00:14.759 disheveled, upset or scared. 00:00:14.769 --> 00:00:16.410 But, as we've learned more about how 00:00:16.410 --> 00:00:18.610 trafficking really works, we have 00:00:18.620 --> 00:00:20.730 also learned that in many cases 00:00:20.900 --> 00:00:22.420 there isn't going to be anything 00:00:22.420 --> 00:00:23.840 visible that would alert you that 00:00:23.840 --> 00:00:25.360 a stranger is being trafficked. 00:00:26.740 --> 00:00:28.380 And in fact, there are some 00:00:28.380 --> 00:00:30.510 downsides to trying to spot trafficking 00:00:30.510 --> 00:00:32.460 situations out of context. 00:00:33.140 --> 00:00:36.050 Hint: that word context is key. 00:00:37.540 --> 00:00:40.939 One of the downsides is misidentification. 00:00:40.960 --> 00:00:42.980 Implicit bias has led many 00:00:42.980 --> 00:00:44.710 to believe that traffickers are 00:00:44.710 --> 00:00:47.530 typically of a specific race or ethnicity. 00:00:47.729 --> 00:00:49.260 That's not the case. 00:00:51.240 --> 00:00:53.370 Even if you do identify someone 00:00:53.380 --> 00:00:54.960 who actually is in a trafficking 00:00:54.960 --> 00:00:57.250 situation, there is harm that could 00:00:57.250 --> 00:00:58.720 come of reporting it without 00:00:58.720 --> 00:01:00.150 their knowledge or consent. 00:01:01.140 --> 00:01:03.680 Remember, many people being trafficked 00:01:03.690 --> 00:01:05.510 do not recognize themselves as 00:01:05.510 --> 00:01:08.460 being victims. They believe they 00:01:08.460 --> 00:01:10.350 have made their own choices and 00:01:10.350 --> 00:01:11.750 telling them otherwise, if they 00:01:11.750 --> 00:01:13.450 are not ready to hear it, may 00:01:13.450 --> 00:01:16.780 make their traffickers' hold even stronger. 00:01:16.980 --> 00:01:19.060 Instead of visual cues, 00:01:19.440 --> 00:01:20.780 we have learned that the best 00:01:20.780 --> 00:01:22.410 way to help is by paying 00:01:22.410 --> 00:01:24.340 attention to the people you actually 00:01:24.340 --> 00:01:27.090 know or interact with. 00:01:27.099 --> 00:01:29.260 It's about having some degree of both 00:01:29.260 --> 00:01:33.979 proximity and context. 00:01:33.990 --> 00:01:36.520 Having proximity and context does not mean 00:01:36.520 --> 00:01:39.000 you have to be extremely close with someone. 00:01:39.359 --> 00:01:40.539 You don't need to know 00:01:40.549 --> 00:01:42.509 every single detail of what is happening. 00:01:42.810 --> 00:01:44.229 But, some relationship 00:01:44.229 --> 00:01:45.380 to the potential victim or 00:01:45.380 --> 00:01:48.350 trafficker, even in passing, coupled 00:01:48.350 --> 00:01:49.780 with your knowledge of how human 00:01:49.780 --> 00:01:52.500 trafficking actually works makes a huge 00:01:52.500 --> 00:01:54.210 difference in determining how much you 00:01:54.210 --> 00:01:56.700 are able to help. 00:01:56.770 --> 00:01:59.370 Understanding trafficking within the context 00:01:59.379 --> 00:02:02.610 of your job is particularly useful. 00:02:02.610 --> 00:02:05.090 For example, teachers, medical 00:02:05.090 --> 00:02:07.670 professionals or truckers may encounter 00:02:07.670 --> 00:02:09.460 trafficking victims through their work. 00:02:11.440 --> 00:02:13.460 Here's an example of how proximity 00:02:13.460 --> 00:02:16.860 and context might look in practice. 00:02:17.099 --> 00:02:18.660 Jim visits a restaurant in 00:02:18.660 --> 00:02:20.060 his neighborhood once a week. 00:02:21.040 --> 00:02:22.510 He exchanges pleasantries with the 00:02:22.510 --> 00:02:24.450 hosts, servers, and some of the 00:02:24.450 --> 00:02:26.600 busboys who all recognize him 00:02:26.600 --> 00:02:29.079 as a regular customer. 00:02:29.110 --> 00:02:30.650 But, Jim doesn't know much about 00:02:30.650 --> 00:02:32.330 their work conditions or lives 00:02:32.330 --> 00:02:33.900 outside the restaurant. 00:02:34.000 --> 00:02:36.189 Jim has proximity, 00:02:36.400 --> 00:02:40.250 but he does not have context. 00:02:40.650 --> 00:02:42.330 Anna works part time as 00:02:42.330 --> 00:02:44.090 a host at the restaurant and 00:02:44.090 --> 00:02:45.660 her shifts change every week. 00:02:46.640 --> 00:02:48.300 On busy nights, she also 00:02:48.300 --> 00:02:50.230 helps out by taking drink orders 00:02:50.280 --> 00:02:51.950 and delivering meals to tables. 00:02:53.140 --> 00:02:54.830 She has noticed that the same 00:02:54.830 --> 00:02:56.540 workers are in the kitchen every 00:02:56.540 --> 00:02:58.580 time she works - although 00:02:58.580 --> 00:03:00.050 her work days and hours vary. 00:03:01.440 --> 00:03:02.950 Some of the kitchen staff have 00:03:02.950 --> 00:03:05.300 told her they don't always get paid. 00:03:06.099 --> 00:03:07.260 They have mentioned that 00:03:07.260 --> 00:03:09.229 some are undocumented and 00:03:09.230 --> 00:03:10.770 the owner has threatened to report 00:03:10.780 --> 00:03:13.150 them if they complain. 00:03:13.150 --> 00:03:16.250 Anna has both proximity and context. 00:03:17.140 --> 00:03:18.500 This puts her in a good 00:03:18.500 --> 00:03:20.160 position to offer assistance.