WEBVTT 00:00:01.840 --> 00:00:04.410 So my trafficker was Royall 00:00:04.410 --> 00:00:06.990 Jenkins. He is the leader of a 00:00:07.000 --> 00:00:09.550 religious organization formerly known as 00:00:09.560 --> 00:00:11.160 the United Nation of Islam. 00:00:11.740 --> 00:00:15.019 They are now known as the Value Creators. 00:00:15.050 --> 00:00:16.330 So the trafficking began when 00:00:16.850 --> 00:00:17.810 my great grandmother 00:00:17.810 --> 00:00:20.210 introduced me to Royall Jenkins at a 00:00:20.210 --> 00:00:22.680 public religious meeting. I 00:00:22.680 --> 00:00:24.600 was seven years old. In the 00:00:24.600 --> 00:00:26.000 middle of the meeting while Royall 00:00:26.000 --> 00:00:27.890 Jenkins spoke with his members, 00:00:27.890 --> 00:00:30.829 he requested that I be brought to him. 00:00:30.899 --> 00:00:33.090 Because I was a kid, I didn't have a choice, 00:00:33.100 --> 00:00:34.560 my great grandmother made 00:00:34.560 --> 00:00:36.050 all of my choices for me. 00:00:36.060 --> 00:00:38.330 And then subsequently after 00:00:38.340 --> 00:00:41.650 beginning to live with Royall 00:00:41.650 --> 00:00:43.080 Jenkins' family, they made all the 00:00:43.080 --> 00:00:45.990 choices for me. And so 00:00:45.990 --> 00:00:47.160 I had no authority and no 00:00:47.160 --> 00:00:49.630 choice at that part. My main 00:00:49.630 --> 00:00:50.920 role, there was a domestic 00:00:50.920 --> 00:00:53.910 servant and that included not only 00:00:53.910 --> 00:00:56.670 taking care of him and his 00:00:56.670 --> 00:00:58.880 multiple wives and his concubines, 00:00:58.880 --> 00:01:01.750 but also his multiple sets of young children. 00:01:01.850 --> 00:01:03.710 Another thing I was expected to do 00:01:03.710 --> 00:01:07.109 was to champion this work over going to 00:01:07.109 --> 00:01:09.340 school. So that changed for me 00:01:09.340 --> 00:01:11.500 because I was in school prior to all this 00:01:11.500 --> 00:01:13.500 happening. I wasn't able to go back to school. 00:01:13.510 --> 00:01:17.849 And then, you know, the rules began to 00:01:17.849 --> 00:01:20.960 become a lot more strict. So instead of being 00:01:20.960 --> 00:01:25.260 able to communicate, even to speak with them, it 00:01:25.270 --> 00:01:27.719 was clear that I wasn't to talk to anybody 00:01:27.719 --> 00:01:29.549 in a way where they were my family or my friends 00:01:29.550 --> 00:01:33.700 but I was a servant and so I was less than. 00:01:33.710 --> 00:01:35.540 So you know, even at eight years 00:01:35.540 --> 00:01:37.430 old, you know, that really 00:01:37.430 --> 00:01:39.610 made me confused because I 00:01:39.710 --> 00:01:40.970 initially thought that I was going 00:01:40.969 --> 00:01:42.670 to be here as another member 00:01:42.680 --> 00:01:45.390 of their family, which was told to me but 00:01:45.390 --> 00:01:48.099 in reality I was there to give them free labor. 00:01:48.299 --> 00:01:50.700 I came across multiple health care 00:01:50.700 --> 00:01:55.030 professionals who at that time did not really 00:01:55.030 --> 00:01:56.990 know the signs of trafficking, 00:01:57.000 --> 00:01:58.470 although some of them may have 00:01:58.470 --> 00:02:00.270 had an inkling or you know, 00:02:00.269 --> 00:02:01.349 had the look on their face 00:02:01.350 --> 00:02:03.569 like 'something isn't just right', they didn't 00:02:03.569 --> 00:02:05.739 really know how to speak up about it. 00:02:05.939 --> 00:02:08.650 A few years later after living with them 00:02:08.650 --> 00:02:10.849 we all moved to Kansas City, KS 00:02:10.849 --> 00:02:12.759 I was really sick 00:02:12.849 --> 00:02:15.340 because they were not letting me 00:02:15.340 --> 00:02:17.259 eat, you know, starvation was 00:02:17.259 --> 00:02:18.960 used as punishment, torture and 00:02:18.960 --> 00:02:21.569 all those other things. So you know 00:02:21.569 --> 00:02:23.750 when they took me to the doctor because at 00:02:23.750 --> 00:02:25.990 this point my great grandmother began 00:02:25.990 --> 00:02:27.159 to put pressure on them. 00:02:27.159 --> 00:02:30.759 You know, the doctor literally 00:02:30.759 --> 00:02:32.800 almost asked me like 'are you 00:02:32.800 --> 00:02:34.590 trapped, are you okay?' Because 00:02:34.590 --> 00:02:35.610 there was a lady who was 00:02:35.610 --> 00:02:38.480 standing at the door, she 00:02:38.480 --> 00:02:40.140 was standing there so that I 00:02:40.140 --> 00:02:41.880 wouldn't say the wrong things 00:02:41.890 --> 00:02:44.480 And I tried to hint at 00:02:44.480 --> 00:02:45.720 the doctor that I don't live 00:02:45.720 --> 00:02:47.400 in Kansas City, Kansas, I 00:02:47.400 --> 00:02:48.580 don't even...I don't even 00:02:48.580 --> 00:02:50.800 know where I am like, you 00:02:50.800 --> 00:02:52.190 know, and, you know, 00:02:52.190 --> 00:02:54.170 they're not my parents, you know, 00:02:54.170 --> 00:02:55.420 I don't really remember the 00:02:55.420 --> 00:02:57.710 words I actually used, but I 00:02:57.710 --> 00:02:59.730 used the words that made me 00:02:59.740 --> 00:03:01.040 feel safe enough to kinda 00:03:01.050 --> 00:03:03.210 ask for help in that particular 00:03:03.210 --> 00:03:04.910 manner. And he, I saw him 00:03:04.910 --> 00:03:06.530 and he almost picked up the 00:03:06.540 --> 00:03:08.010 phone. He literally moved his 00:03:08.010 --> 00:03:09.180 hand over the phone to like 00:03:09.190 --> 00:03:11.080 say, call somebody, but then 00:03:11.080 --> 00:03:12.660 he just said, no, forget 00:03:12.660 --> 00:03:15.160 it. And then you know, 00:03:15.160 --> 00:03:16.200 that was that I went back 00:03:16.200 --> 00:03:18.360 home with them. My great 00:03:18.360 --> 00:03:21.610 grandmother began to realize that she 00:03:21.610 --> 00:03:24.140 was being manipulated. She began 00:03:24.140 --> 00:03:25.450 to realize that she herself was 00:03:25.450 --> 00:03:27.190 being coerced or had been coerced 00:03:27.200 --> 00:03:28.590 to participate in this entire 00:03:28.590 --> 00:03:31.080 organization and that Royall Jenkins did 00:03:31.080 --> 00:03:32.480 not have her best interest in 00:03:32.480 --> 00:03:35.260 mind. And so their relationship 00:03:35.260 --> 00:03:37.270 quickly deteriorated as she was one 00:03:37.270 --> 00:03:38.960 of the major financial donors 00:03:40.040 --> 00:03:42.420 for this organization. He pushed 00:03:42.420 --> 00:03:45.070 back, he hit me. He 00:03:45.070 --> 00:03:46.560 cut off all communications, of 00:03:46.560 --> 00:03:48.530 course he chose to demonize her, 00:03:48.540 --> 00:03:49.210 you know, calling her the 00:03:49.210 --> 00:03:50.930 devil and you know, if I 00:03:50.930 --> 00:03:52.160 associate with the devil, then 00:03:52.160 --> 00:03:53.620 that means I'm the devil too 00:03:53.630 --> 00:03:54.910 and then I'm going to hell 00:03:54.910 --> 00:03:55.370 blah, blah, blah, blah, 00:03:55.370 --> 00:03:56.450 blah, fear, fear, fear. 00:03:56.940 --> 00:03:58.360 And so because I was in 00:03:58.360 --> 00:04:00.200 another state, it was difficult 00:04:00.200 --> 00:04:01.950 for her to get to me or 00:04:01.950 --> 00:04:03.220 get the authorities to work 00:04:03.230 --> 00:04:05.550 across jurisdictions. To understand 00:04:05.550 --> 00:04:06.930 what was not only happening, 00:04:06.930 --> 00:04:10.210 but occurring on within 00:04:10.210 --> 00:04:12.230 multiple states and then sometimes on 00:04:12.230 --> 00:04:15.180 an international level. So it 00:04:15.180 --> 00:04:16.800 took awhile. However, she 00:04:16.800 --> 00:04:18.760 basically threatened him with the FBI 00:04:18.770 --> 00:04:20.650 and stated that if, you don't 00:04:20.660 --> 00:04:22.240 send her back now I'm calling 00:04:22.240 --> 00:04:24.490 the FBI and I'm sure, you 00:04:24.490 --> 00:04:25.960 know, I don't know what they're 00:04:25.960 --> 00:04:26.740 going to catch you with but 00:04:26.740 --> 00:04:27.920 I'm sure they're not gonna be happy that 00:04:27.920 --> 00:04:29.330 you have all these kids working 00:04:29.340 --> 00:04:30.750 for free in this type of 00:04:30.750 --> 00:04:33.780 predicament. And so that motivated him 00:04:33.780 --> 00:04:35.220 to put me back on the bus, 00:04:35.230 --> 00:04:36.200 the same bus I went up 00:04:36.200 --> 00:04:38.880 there on and he sent me back 00:04:38.890 --> 00:04:40.160 to Washington D. C.