Survivor Speak

Survivor Story: Samantha Shares Her Story

Blog Post — September 4, 2013

Our National Human Trafficking Hotline referred Samantha to our Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area Client Services. She shared her story at the launch of the Global Human Trafficking Hotline Network.

Survivor Story: Letter to President Obama

Blog Post — September 26, 2012

Iris is a client at our Polaris New Jersey office. After President Obama spoke about human trafficking at the Clinton Global Initiative a number of our clients wrote him. Shared with permission.

Survivor Story: On the Road to College

Blog Post — March 26, 2012

Claudia was a young woman from Latin America. She was picked up by local law enforcement who referred her to Polaris’s Client Services program.

Need help? Polaris operates the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline.