Allyson is a survivor leader in the Pacific Northwest. Her submissions are to inform, educate, and ultimately empower others. Her book, Armor of Her Embers, can be found on Amazon Vella. Since fleeing her abuser who held her as a captive slave under horrific conditions, she has found her voice through activism, education, writing, wilderness exploration, and photography.
She is the founder of Silent Sanctuaries, which was created as a way to offer other survivors virtual retreats and amazing things. New peaceful escapes and meditation/ mindfulness pieces are regularly posted.
Excerpt from Armor of Her Embers

Allyson is a Survivor-leader who seeks to raise awareness and empower others. She helps as an advocate for the abused, using her voice for those who cannot, as an advisor for empowering projects and agencies, lending her time to those who might benefit. She has helped pen educational resources for presentation at law enforcement agency educational events and consults for specific studies. She is a recent graduate of a specialized school which focuses on leadership and affirmative action. She is available by appointment for empowerment speeches.
Slavery is alive and well in this country and she is dedicated to her last breath to advocate to help change laws to protect the abused – the exploited – within family and social / justice systems and beyond. In her memoir Armor of Her Embers she reveals the horrors of what is was to be a slave to a controlling manipulative terroristic person who attempted to destroy her life and her will to live.