War and the fear, displacement, poverty and misery that accompany it are the perfect environment for human traffickers to operate. They offer jobs, shelter, transportation or to fill any of the other massive and multiplying unmet needs of individuals and families facing increasing desperation.
While Polaris primarily works in North America, we also operate the Global Modern Slavery Directory — a searchable database of anti trafficking organizations that serve survivors across the globe. We have put together a resource guide for victims and survivors affected by conflict that are currently in Ukraine and Afghanistan or are refugees.
For people in Ukraine:
International Organization for Migration (IOM) – Ukraine
- Website: https://iom.org.ua/en
- Hotline Number: 527 (free using Ukrainian cell phones) and 0 800 505 501 (free if calling from Ukrainian landlines)
- Hotline Hours: 08:00 – 20:00 (M-Su)
- Online chat: https://www.527.org.ua/
- Email: iomkievcomm@iom.int
For refugees in Poland:
Stowarzyszenie PoMOC dla Kobiet i Dzieci im. Marii Niepokalanej
- Website: https://www.po-moc.pl/
- Telephone: +48 32 255 38 69
- E-mail: biuro@po-moc.pl
Fundacja La Strada
- Website: http://www.strada.org.pl/
- Telephone: +48 22 628 99 99
- Email: strada@strada.org.pl
The National Consulting and Intervention Centre for Victims of Trafficking (KCIK)
- Website: http://www.kcik.pl/
- Hotline (24/7): +48 22 628 01 20
Additionally, here is information for refugees from the Polish government.
For refugees in Hungary:
Üdvhadsereg Salvation Army Hungary
- Website: http://www.udvhadsereg.hu/
- Telephone: +36 1 332 3324
- Email: kozponti@udvhadsereg.hu
Névtelen Utak Alapitvány
- Website: https://nevtelenutak.hu/
- Telephone: +36 706 649 497
- Email: anonymousways.ngo@gmail.com
- Website: https://okit.eu/
- Phone: 06 80 20 55 20
International Organization for Migration (IOM) – Slovakia
- Website: www.mic.iom.sk
- Anti-trafficking Hotline (Phone and SMS): +421 907 787 374
- Migration Information Centre Hotline: 0850 211 478 (in Slovakia) or +421 2 5263 0023 (from abroad)
- Email: mic@iom.it
Additionally, here is a Facebook page with tips and resources for those in-country.
For refugees in Romania:
Agenția Națională Împotriva Traficului de Persoane (ANITP) (Government agency)
- Website: http://www.anitp.mai.gov.ro/
- Hotline: 0800800678
- Hotline Hours: 08:00 – 16:00 (M-F)
- Hotline Languages: Romanian and English.
- Phone: +40 756 514 940
- Email: anitp@mai.gov.ro
For people in Afghanistan:
International Organization for Migration (IOM) – Afghanistan
- Website: https://afghanistan.iom.int/
- Email: iomkabul@iom.int
UNHCR Afghanistan
- Website: https://www.unhcr.org/en-us/afghanistan.html
- Phone: 41 22 739 7500
- Email: afgka@unhcr.org
International Rescue Committee – Afghanistan
- Website: https://www.rescue.org/country/afghanistan
- Phone: +93 77 368 3738
Please note that these are external resources compiled to help you better understand what help might be available. The Polaris-operated Global Modern Slavery Directory has taken reasonable steps to verify that each organization has met inclusion criteria; however, the Global Modern Slavery Directory is not responsible for the accuracy of information contained on this site. Polaris did not create any of these resources and cannot vouch for their accuracy.