
  • From Ohio to the White House: One Family’s Story

    Blog Post — January 19, 2016

    The D'Souza family came to the U.S. for a promising new job. Instead, they were forced into a nightmare.

  • Mexico City's Anti-Human Trafficking Hotline to Expand Nationally

    Press Release — September 30, 2015

    Polaris and Consejo Ciudadano announced a new partnership today that will bolster efforts to support survivors of human trafficking and disrupt human trafficking networks across borders.

  • U.S. House Passes Multiple Anti-Human Trafficking Bills

    Press Release — January 27, 2015

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – Polaris, a leader in the global fight to eradicate modern slavery and restore freedom to survivors, released a statement today as the U.S. House of Representatives passes a series of 12 bills aimed at combating human trafficking.

  • Polaris, CAST, & Clear Channel Outdoor Launch Anti-Human Trafficking Awareness Campaign in Los Angeles

    Press Release — September 22, 2014

    LOS ANGELES, CA – Polaris, the Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking (CAST), and Clear Channel Outdoor (CCO) were joined by county and city elected officials and advocates today as they announced a partnership to raise awareness against human trafficking in the greater Los Angeles area.

  • Statement on U.S. House Anti-Trafficking Legislation

    Press Release — May 20, 2014

    WASHINGTON, D.C. (May 20, 2014) – Polaris Project, a leading organization in the global fight against human trafficking and modern slavery, released a statement on the series of bills the U.S. House of Representatives considered today on human trafficking. The bills included H.Res. 573, H.R. 4058, H.R. 4573, H.R. 3530, H.R. 3610, and H.R. 4225.

  • Human Trafficking Survivor’s Video Highlights Exploitation, Resilience

    Press Release — April 23, 2014

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – Polaris Project, a leading organization in the global fight against human trafficking and modern slavery, released a video today featuring a survivor of human trafficking who bravely reveals the exploitation faced by victims in the United States and the resilience it takes to rebuild their lives. The spoken word poetry featured in the video, “America’s Daughters,” was written and performed by a survivor of sex trafficking.

  • Polaris Project Hails Arizona Human Trafficking Legislation

    Press Release — April 22, 2014

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – Polaris Project, a leading organization in the global fight against human trafficking and modern slavery, hailed passage of Arizona House Bill 2454, which was signed into law by Governor Jan Brewer today. The bill passed the Arizona House and Senate unanimously. Polaris Project partnered with the McCain Institute for International Leadership to strengthen anti-trafficking legislation in Arizona and other mountain states.

  • Statement on President’s Interagency Task Force on Human Trafficking Meeting

    Press Release — April 8, 2014

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – Polaris Project, a leading organization in the global fight against human trafficking and modern slavery, released a statement today following the annual meeting of President Obama’s Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons at the White House.

    Bradley Myles, CEO of Polaris Project, said:

  • Texting is Successful Tool for Human Trafficking Survivors Seeking Help

    Press Release — March 31, 2014

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – Polaris Project released the first year of texting data today, one year after launching a texting short code that enables people to reach the national human trafficking hotline by sending text messages to BeFree (233733).  An analysis of this initial data shows that texting is a vital way for victims of human trafficking to reach out for help. Victims reached out to the hotline by text message at a higher percentage than by phone calls: 17% of texting conversations were from victims, compared to 9% of phone calls in 2013.

  • "Underground Commercial Sex Economy: Report Sheds New Light on Sex Trafficking Industry in US

    Press Release — March 12, 2014

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – Polaris Project, a leading organization in the global fight against human trafficking and modern slavery, today hailed a groundbreaking report released by the Urban Institute that estimates the size and scope of the underground commercial sex economies (UCSE) in Atlanta, Dallas, Denver, Miami, Kansas City, San Diego, Seattle, and Washington, D.C. in 2003 and 2007.

Need help? Polaris operates the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline.