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The Future of Human Rights on web3

As new technologies become prevalent in our society and economy, they become both a medium in which human trafficking happens and a means to restore freedom to survivors. Therefore, the architecture of web3 is an urgent human rights imperative because it will dictate who will hold social, political, and economic power in the near future, and who will not. Polaris, a technology-enabled NGO that fights sex and labor trafficking, uses its multidisciplinary expertise on human trafficking and applied cryptography to outline a vision for web3 that will empower and protect vulnerable communities while holding perpetrators of abuse and crimes accountable. We propose three web3-native design principles: ownership with consent, speaking truth to power, and privacy with accountability. Polaris aims to collaborate with multi-sector stakeholders to build a future internet that protects human rights.

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Need help? Polaris operates the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline.