Debt vs. Debt-Bondage: What’s the Difference?

Celebrating Three Years of the BeFree Textline

March 31, 2016

The ability to silently send a text message seeking help can mean the difference between a life of exploitation and freedom for many survivors.

From DC to Cape Town: Sharing Our Data Collection Technology with Hotlines Around the World

March 23, 2016

How our data team analyzes the numbers from the hotlines we run—and uses it to work with other anti-trafficking advocates globally.

The Global Modern Slavery Directory: Widening the Safety Net for Survivors Around the World

March 16, 2016

What happens if a situation of human trafficking is occurring in another country? Can Polaris still help? Now we can.

Labor Brokers and the Bait-and-Switch for Temporary Workers

March 8, 2016

A recent investigation shows how labor recruiters use false promises to entrap foreign workers. How do they get away with it?

Debt vs. Debt-Bondage: What’s the Difference?

March 1, 2016

What does debt mean to a victim of human trafficking? Often, it's an insidious means of control used to keep them trapped.

Need help? Polaris operates the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline.