
From “Great Guy” to Trafficker

November 1, 2017

"'No!' I said once again, and suddenly, that so-called 'great guy,' who had promised he wouldn't hurt me, turned into a monster." Carmen shares part three of her story.

De “Gran Hombre” a Tratante

November 1, 2017

"Una vez más le dije, '¡No!' Entonces aquel hombre 'muy bueno,' el que me había prometido no hacerme daño, de repente se convirtió en un monstruo." Carmen cuenta la tercera parte de su historia.

Un Paseo Que Terminó en Pesadilla

October 26, 2017

Test Translation

A Drive That Turned into a Nightmare

October 25, 2017

"I was anxious and sorry I’d ever agreed to go with them. I didn’t know what to do – here I was in a car speeding down the middle of a highway in a strange place, with strange people. I wanted to cry." Carmen – sex trafficking survivor and Polaris spokesperson – shares part two of her story. 

Cómo Llegué a la Trata de Personas

October 18, 2017

Como parte de la nueva campaña de Polaris, “Únete a la Solución”, consultora y vocera Carmen nos contará su experiencia a través de una serie de cinco entradas. Puedes leer la primera parte hoy.

How I Landed in the Hands of Human Traffickers

October 18, 2017

As part of our new awareness campaign, “Únete a la Solución,” Polaris consultant and spokesperson Carmen is sharing her story in a five-part series. You can read the first part today.

We Just Partnered with Delta Air Lines and That’s Great News for Survivors

September 21, 2017

With this new partnership, Delta is taking their commitment to fighting human trafficking to the next level. With their donation, they are making a critical contribution that will directly support trafficking victims and survivors.

Senate Passes Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act

September 12, 2017

Since 2000, the laws have served the main tool used to combat modern slavery and human trafficking in the U.S. But more must be done for this act to be fully reauthorized.

Why Congress Should Protect DACA Recipients

September 5, 2017

Rescinding the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program will only contribute to the human trafficking epidemic.

Need help? Polaris operates the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline.