
Why I Tell States to Use the NHTRC Hotline

June 3, 2016

The NHTRC connects people to critical, life-saving services. However, not everyone is aware of everything that the NHTRC does and how effective it is.

Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act: One Year Later

May 25, 2016

This Sunday, May 29, marks the one-year anniversary of the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act (JVTA) becoming law. This legislation made some important steps forward in the fight to end modern slavery and restore freedom to survivors.

Raising Awareness through Innovative Public/Private Partnerships: The City of Houston and Yellow Cab Houston

May 18, 2016

An innovative alliance between the mayor's office and a taxicab service is aiming to fight human trafficking in Houston.

How Your Community Can Stop the Trafficking of Homeless LGBTQ Youth

May 6, 2016

A lack of safe housing is a leading risk factor for sex trafficking. LGBTQ youth can be at an increased risk because they may face unique circumstances that lead to homelessness.

Ending the Data Desert: Successful Strategies Against Human Trafficking

May 4, 2016

A panel of academics and practioners convened to discuss what the U.S. has done to combat human trafficking throughout the country.

How We Can Protect Temporary Visa Holders from Trafficking

April 21, 2016

A bill has been introduced to Congress that would require a more public reporting process for temporary work programs. Here's why we need it to pass.

Healthcare Professionals on the Frontline of Helping Trafficking Victims

April 14, 2016
If medical professionals are able to identify potential trafficking situations, they can connect victims to services that may save their lives.

Thousands of Women from Mexico are Forced to Sell Sex in the U.S. We Need to End It.

April 6, 2016

Sex traffickers are luring vulnerable Mexican women and girls—who were promised jobs, love, and a better life—to the United States for work.

Video: Real Progress in the Fight to End Modern Slavery

April 4, 2016

Polaris CEO Bradley Myles gives a TEDx speech on human trafficking and our strategy to end it.

Need help? Polaris operates the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline.