
What Survivor-Centered Work Looks Like

January 1, 2023
Guest Blog by Survivor-Advocate Annika Huff Our stories are powerful. When I share my story, audience members often tell me that hearing someone’s real-life experience, in their own words, changes the way they connect to the issue. This is not unique to the work of reducing and preventing human trafficking and supporting survivors. Any successful … Continued

Know the Story Not the Signs

January 1, 2023
The truth is, in most human trafficking situations, there are unlikely to be visible “signs” or “indicators” that trafficking is happening - unless you know something else about the situation - unless you know the story.

Language Matters: 5 Ways Your Words Impact Trafficking Survivors

January 1, 2023
The language we use when talking about human trafficking can be triggering to survivors and preventing victims from recognizing they're in a trafficking situation. It's past time we listen to survivors and develop survivor-centered language.

Answering the Call: 15 Years and Counting

November 30, 2022
For 15 years, Polaris has never turned off the lights on the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline — the country’s lifeline for victims and survivors of sex and labor trafficking.

Polaris Partners with Mexico’s Government to Combat Labor Trafficking

November 17, 2022
It is no secret that the U.S. agriculture industry is largely sustained by a Mexican workforce, as few U.S.-born workers are willing to take these difficult and low-paid jobs. This is why Polaris has been working tirelessly with the Consulates from Mexico in the U.S. to speak directly with the Mexican community working in the U.S.

Credit Reporting Agencies are Failing Human Trafficking Survivors

September 29, 2022
Since the launch of the credit repair process for survivors of human trafficking, survivors have repeatedly reached out to Polaris to let us know that these new processes are not working as they are supposed to be.

Building a Bridge to Safety

September 23, 2022
Victims and survivors of human trafficking need safe shelter options more than ever before. Enter Polaris's corporate hospitality partners and generous individuals from across the country.

Understanding Trafficking Law in the Context of Texas and Florida’s Immigrant Relocation

September 20, 2022
National conversation has focused on trafficking within the context of governors sending migrants seeking asylum in this country to Martha’s Vineyard and Washington, D.C. for the purpose of making a political point. 

New Estimates of Human Trafficking in the World: Shocking but Not Surprising

September 14, 2022
The estimated number of people in situations of trafficking rose by 12 percent between 2016 and 2021, the latest international consensus study found. Today, some 27.6 million people around the globe are living without the freedom to choose how they live and work, according to the International Labor Organization (ILO), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and Walk Free.

Need help? Polaris operates the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline.