Children and Youth

The 2SLGBTQIA+ Community Needs More Support Systems and Inclusive Policies to Reduce Vulnerabilities to Trafficking

Blog Post — June 1, 2024
Transgender people exist within the perfect storm of vulnerabilities that human traffickers use to exploit them. For example, trans people often lack familial support, are harassed for simply being who they are or supporting others like them, and experience rejection from services and opportunities – like housing and medical care. Traffickers take advantage of these … Continued

Victim Blaming in Family Court: How Child Custody Impacts Survivors

Blog Post — March 8, 2024
Trafficking survivors aren’t defined only by their exploitation — they play many more roles and carry more identities than survivor. One of the most common identities survivors also hold is mother. Survivors support their families, wanting to see their children thrive. Unfortunately, their ability to care for their children can run into systemic barriers resulting … Continued

Prioritizing Survivor-Centered State Policies: Spotlight on Child Sex Trafficking

Blog Post — October 12, 2023
Sex trafficking is terrible at any age, but stories about child victims and survivors in particular tend to draw more attention.

Action Guide: Trafficking Prevention for Youth in Philadelphia

Published June 5, 2023
For Philadelphia, one of our initial focus cities under the initiative, we created this action guide with and for local stakeholders to help prevent trafficking of the local vulnerable youth population.

The Fight for Fair Work Needs Full Funding for the Department of Labor

Blog Post — April 11, 2023
Without enough inspectors, outreach staff, and other resources at the Department of Labor, we will continue to read about child labor in meat packing industries, back wages owed to workers, and other violations.

Sexual Assault Awareness Month: How Does Human Trafficking Fit In?

Blog Post — April 3, 2023
Many survivors of human trafficking are also survivors of sexual abuse. During April’s Sexual Assault Awareness Month, we are exploring the intersection of sexual abuse and human trafficking.

In Harm’s Way: How Systems Fail Human Trafficking Survivors

Published January 25, 2023
The National Survivor Study used the experience and expertise from survivors to create a detailed picture of the arc of trafficking.

Action Guide: Trafficking Prevention for Homeless Youth in Louisville

Published December 15, 2022
For Louisville, we created this action guide with and for local stakeholders to help prevent trafficking of the local homeless youth population.

Tracing the Patterns of Trafficking in the Ghislaine Maxwell Trial

Blog Post — November 28, 2021
Ghislaine Maxwell faces six counts, including sex trafficking of a minor and sex trafficking conspiracy, for helping Jeffrey Epstein sexually abuse girls.

Trafficking in the R. Kelly Case: Stripping Away the Glamour to Understand the Crime

Blog Post — September 28, 2021
For decades, R&B singer R. Kelly preyed on young women and men, using promises of a career in the music industry to manipulate them into abusive sexual relationships. We examine this pattern of exploitation and highlight the importance of listening to and believing all survivors.

Love and Trafficking: How Traffickers Groom & Control Their Victims

Blog Post — February 11, 2021
From the outside, it’s easy to tell ourselves we would never have been lured in by a trafficker who pretended to love us. But grooming - a methodical process of emotional manipulation - is time-tested and devastatingly effective. Learn more about how it works so you can spot it and protect yourself and those you care about.

Child Sex Trafficking Share Graphics

Published August 1, 2020
This social media toolkit includes graphics and a video available for download to educate your friends, family, and followers on what we know about child sex trafficking. You can also visit us on Instagram to share our story highlight and tag us.

Need help? Polaris operates the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline.