Labor Trafficking

Answering the Call: 15 Years and Counting

Blog Post — November 30, 2022
For 15 years, Polaris has never turned off the lights on the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline — the country’s lifeline for victims and survivors of sex and labor trafficking.

Polaris Partners with Mexico’s Government to Combat Labor Trafficking

Blog Post — November 17, 2022
It is no secret that the U.S. agriculture industry is largely sustained by a Mexican workforce, as few U.S.-born workers are willing to take these difficult and low-paid jobs. This is why Polaris has been working tirelessly with the Consulates from Mexico in the U.S. to speak directly with the Mexican community working in the U.S.

Understanding Trafficking Law in the Context of Texas and Florida’s Immigrant Relocation

Blog Post — September 20, 2022
National conversation has focused on trafficking within the context of governors sending migrants seeking asylum in this country to Martha’s Vineyard and Washington, D.C. for the purpose of making a political point. 

Polaris’s Statement on Recent Immigrant Relocation and Trafficking

September 16, 2022
“Human trafficking is a complex and dynamic crime,” said Catherine Chen, CEO of Polaris. “Without an investigation of exactly what happened before migrants were put on a plane and unwittingly used for political gain, it would be irresponsible to accuse anyone of trafficking. 

New Estimates of Human Trafficking in the World: Shocking but Not Surprising

Blog Post — September 14, 2022
The estimated number of people in situations of trafficking rose by 12 percent between 2016 and 2021, the latest international consensus study found. Today, some 27.6 million people around the globe are living without the freedom to choose how they live and work, according to the International Labor Organization (ILO), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and Walk Free.

Labor Trafficking On Specific Temporary Work Visas Report

Published July 12, 2022
Data from the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline shows that guest workers who come to this country legally are frequently exploited and victimized by forced labor and other forms of trafficking.

World Cup 2026: An Opportunity to Lead on Human Trafficking

Blog Post — June 23, 2022
Hosting the World Cup is a chance for cities and nations to showcase unique assets, build civic pride and create economic opportunity. It is also a significant opportunity for those same cities, now under a powerful global microscope, to become leaders in the fight to reduce and prevent human trafficking. With just a few short years until the 2026 kickoff, this is the time to get started.

D.C. Domestic Workers Deserve Protections

Blog Post — June 16, 2022
While trafficking and exploitation are illegal already, the fact that domestic workers have few enumerated rights under law makes them particularly vulnerable.


Published May 13, 2022
Nonechka means “close to you” in Nahuatl, one of the many indigenous languages spoken in Mexico. Polaris’s partner organizations distribute information via text and phone messages to inform workers about their rights and the services available where they are.

Polaris CEO, Catherine Chen, Appointed by DHS Secretary Mayorkas to Homeland Security Advisory Council

March 18, 2022
Catherine Chen, CEO of Polaris, was appointed by Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas to the Homeland Security Advisory Council. Chen joins 32 other new members on the Council, the principal external advisory body to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Polaris CEO Named to Homeland Security Advisory Council

Blog Post — March 17, 2022
There is so much more to be done to protect immigrant victims of human trafficking and reform a system that puts too many people at risk for abuse. With a seat at the table, the anti trafficking field can help guide and inform public policy choices that can dramatically improve how this country supports immigrant victims of trafficking and keeps vulnerable people safe.

Essential Guide for H-2A Visa Sponsors

Published November 4, 2021
This toolkit provides an overview of the risks of labor trafficking inherent in the H-2A visa program and helps you understand how to protect your workers. By protecting your workers, you will also protect your business.

Need help? Polaris operates the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline.