Labor Trafficking

Human Trafficking 101

Published October 12, 2021
Compassionate, committed individuals and communities like yours are the most powerful resource there is to prevent and reduce human trafficking. But to leverage your power, you need the best possible information. For this reason, Polaris has created an interactive, online training program: Human Trafficking 101.

Human Trafficking 101: Combating Misinformation with Education

Blog Post — October 11, 2021
Compassionate, committed individuals and communities that care are the most powerful resource there is to prevent and reduce human trafficking. However, to leverage this power, we must ensure that they are armed with the knowledge necessary to do the work.

Telling the Real Story of Human Trafficking

Published October 8, 2021
Stories have the power to change things, for better and for worse. This detailed guide is designed to help content-creators for any medium tell compelling, realistic stories of human trafficking.

Recruitment, Human Trafficking, and Temporary Visa Workers

Published August 15, 2021
Data from the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline identified 4,816 likely victims from January 1, 2015 – December 31, 2020 who were in the United States and legally working under at least eight different temporary visas. The purpose of this brief is to examine the roles recruitment practices, regulations, and enforcement play in the experiences of trafficking victims who are in the United States on temporary worker visas.

Protecting Trafficking Victims: ICE’s New Policy Directive

Blog Post — August 23, 2021
A new policy directive issued this summer from the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE) is an important step for the Administration to build trust with immigrant victims of crime, including victims and survivors of human trafficking, by ensuring that they receive the protections they deserve.

Human Trafficking During a Pandemic: What We Can Learn From a Snapshot in Time

Blog Post — July 21, 2021
Two recent reports based on data from the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline highlight how the pandemic exacerbated systemic issues while trafficking adapted to the changing contexts.

Guía esencial para trabajadores del campo

Published July 8, 2021
Conozca y exija sus derechos y protecciones bajo la visa H-2A. Con este tipo de visa, puede trabajar legalmente en la industria agrícola en los Estados Unidos.

Is Britney Spears a Trafficking Victim?

Blog Post — July 1, 2021
In a statement before a judge about her court-ordered conservatorship, pop icon Britney Spears likened her situation to a form of human trafficking. So is it? While we don't know the full extent of Spears' situation and cannot definitively say whether or not it amounts to trafficking, the level of financial and personal control that she described certainly resembles the forms of control and coercion tactics used in situations of labor trafficking.

Labor Exploitation and Trafficking of Agricultural Workers During the Pandemic

Published June 23, 2021
There was a more than 70% increase in reported likely labor trafficking victims who held H-2A visas that authorizes the work of migrant agricultural workers in the United States. In addition to other abuses, one-third of these individuals complained about being denied medical attention, while they were deemed essential by the United States Government.

Joint Open Letter to G7 Heads of State and Government

Blog Post — June 9, 2021
As leaders meet together this week for the G7 summit, Polaris joins a global group of anti-human trafficking organizations and leaders in a joint letter calling on the G7 to elevate and act on forced labor. Need for Coordinated Action by G7 Leaders on Forced Labour Leaders representing half the global economy meet together this … Continued

Trafficking vs. Smuggling: Understanding the Difference

Blog Post — May 25, 2021
A spike in the number of migrants attempting to cross into the United States from Mexico this spring has led to concerns about a surge in sex trafficking and claims that lax border enforcement is making trafficking easier. Let's lay out the facts.

Human Trafficking Does Not Happen in a Vacuum

Blog Post — January 11, 2021
This January, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Polaris and United Way are reflecting on compounding issues that are impacting human trafficking.

Need help? Polaris operates the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline.