Survivor Speak

The Role Domestic Violence Shelters Play in Supporting Human Trafficking Survivors

Blog Post — October 30, 2018

Many domestic violence (DV) programs have come to understand the profound similarities in the experiences of DV and human trafficking. Both situations are rooted in power and control.  Survivors in both are often hurt by someone they see as an intimate partner. Both can face similar cycles of violence. And both often face a need for safe, emergency housing.

Mi Testimonio es para Ti

Blog Post — November 9, 2017
Yo, Carmen, como víctima, sobreviviente y miembro de la comunidad que soy ahora, y para terminar el relato de mi vida en la trata de personas, tengo un mensaje para ti.

My Story Is for You

Blog Post — November 9, 2017

"As a victim, survivor, and now, community member, I’m here to tell you that we can all join in the fight against human trafficking if we don’t stay silent." In the final part of her story, Carmen shares a message for survivors and community members. 

Recuperé Mi Vida

Blog Post — November 8, 2017

En ese momento, yo me encontraba en un punto en el que confiar y desconfiar era lo mismo. Ya no me importaba morir o vivir, ni tampoco lo que le pasara a mi familia. Tenía que arriesgarme. Entonces les dije un poco de lo que me estaba sucediendo, sin importarme si me creían o no, pero sí me ayudaron.  Lee la cuarta parte de la historia de Carmen.

I Got My Life Back

Blog Post — November 2, 2017

"I was at such a low point where trusting and distrusting were the same. I no longer cared if I lived or died, or if something happened to my family. I had to take the risk."  Read part four of Carmen's story. 

From “Great Guy” to Trafficker

Blog Post — November 1, 2017

"'No!' I said once again, and suddenly, that so-called 'great guy,' who had promised he wouldn't hurt me, turned into a monster." Carmen shares part three of her story.

De “Gran Hombre” a Tratante

Blog Post — November 1, 2017

"Una vez más le dije, '¡No!' Entonces aquel hombre 'muy bueno,' el que me había prometido no hacerme daño, de repente se convirtió en un monstruo." Carmen cuenta la tercera parte de su historia.

Un Paseo Que Terminó en Pesadilla

Blog Post — October 26, 2017

Test Translation

A Drive That Turned into a Nightmare

Blog Post — October 25, 2017

"I was anxious and sorry I’d ever agreed to go with them. I didn’t know what to do – here I was in a car speeding down the middle of a highway in a strange place, with strange people. I wanted to cry." Carmen – sex trafficking survivor and Polaris spokesperson – shares part two of her story. 

Cómo Llegué a la Trata de Personas

Blog Post — October 18, 2017

Como parte de la nueva campaña de Polaris, “Únete a la Solución”, consultora y vocera Carmen nos contará su experiencia a través de una serie de cinco entradas. Puedes leer la primera parte hoy.

How I Landed in the Hands of Human Traffickers

Blog Post — October 18, 2017

As part of our new awareness campaign, “Únete a la Solución,” Polaris consultant and spokesperson Carmen is sharing her story in a five-part series. You can read the first part today.

Polaris Changed My Life

Blog Post — December 29, 2016

I am a survivor of labor trafficking, brought from Rwanda to the United States under false promises of a decent paying job, but I was forced into domestic servitude and abused. After a long struggle, I've now become an advocate -- I want a path to a successful and productive life and to be an inspiration to others.

Need help? Polaris operates the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline.