
Surviving with Social Media: How Victims and Survivors use Social Media to Stay Safe

February 28, 2019

More than three-quarters of survivors surveyed by Polaris in 2017 reported that they used internet platforms during their exploitation.

A Modern Approach to Fighting Modern Slavery

February 15, 2019

Human trafficking is a $150 billion global industry that robs approximately 25 million people around the world of their freedom. It isn’t simply a human rights abuse – it’s a business. 

Looking for Love Online this Valentine’s Day?

February 7, 2019

While social media has brought us more possibilities to meet new people and stay in touch with old friends, sex traffickers have long learned it’s benefits for tricking young people into sexual exploitation. 

Worried about Human Trafficking and the Super Bowl? Consider your Nachos

January 30, 2019

The myth about sex trafficking increasing exponentially in the city hosting the Super Bowl has become as common this time of year as chips, wings … and, (like it or not), the New England Patriots. 

Hotel Companies Step Up to Fight Human Trafficking

January 16, 2019

Hotel companies around the world are becoming more and more aware of the ways in which traffickers are taking advantage of their business – and they’re taking action. 

Traveling in Freedom: How Airlines can Play Vital Roles in Fighting Human Trafficking

December 20, 2018

Airline professionals have unique opportunities to interface with traffickers or victims before they reach their destination.

More than Four Walls: The Anti-Trafficking Housing Landscape and the Reality of Finding Shelter

November 7, 2018

Despite the anti-trafficking community’s great strides to create a safety net for survivors, there are still many systematic and inadvertent barriers that block survivors from accessing the critical housing they need.

The Role Domestic Violence Shelters Play in Supporting Human Trafficking Survivors

October 30, 2018

Many domestic violence (DV) programs have come to understand the profound similarities in the experiences of DV and human trafficking. Both situations are rooted in power and control.  Survivors in both are often hurt by someone they see as an intimate partner. Both can face similar cycles of violence. And both often face a need for safe, emergency housing.

Is Your Local News Protecting Illicit Massage Business Trafficking Victims?

October 16, 2018

Do you remember the last time you saw a story in your local news about illicit activities at a massage parlor? What you might not have realized is that many of the women in the photos are actually human trafficking victims. Instead of being protected like other victims of crime, they are being exposed and publicly shamed.

Need help? Polaris operates the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline.