
2016 Statistics Map Out Clear Routes for Combating Trafficking

January 31, 2017

When you're travelling into uncharted territory, it's useful to have a map of the terrain around you. Here at Polaris, we're using data to develop maps of the most direct routes to eradicating human trafficking and supporting survivors.

Cantina Sex Trafficking: The Maria Bonita Case

January 17, 2017

This Houston-based case shows how difficult it can be for law enforcement to identify trafficking at cantinas and put traffickers out of business.

Polaris works with ECPAT-USA and Marriott International on Human Trafficking Training Initiative

January 12, 2017

All too often, traffickers fly under the radar in hotels because staff and managers do not know what signs to look for on their premises. To address just these concerns, Marriott International took a recent significant step in their efforts to combat trafficking.

Raising Awareness Today—and Every Day

January 11, 2017

This Human Trafficking Awareness Day, let’s channel our emotions into action.

Polaris Changed My Life

December 29, 2016

I am a survivor of labor trafficking, brought from Rwanda to the United States under false promises of a decent paying job, but I was forced into domestic servitude and abused. After a long struggle, I've now become an advocate -- I want a path to a successful and productive life and to be an inspiration to others.

Why I Stand with Polaris

December 27, 2016

My travels around the world have seared into me that human trafficking is everywhere. Join me in making all people everywhere, once and for all, free.

Bringing Together Anti-Sex Trafficking Groups in Mexico

December 19, 2016

Consulting with groups who are on the front lines working with survivors is a critical step that will inform and mold our efforts to eradicate this crime.

Reuniendo Organizaciones Contra la Trata Sexual en México

December 19, 2016

Consultar con los proveedores de servicios que están en primera línea trabajando con los sobrevivientes es una manera consistente de informar y moldear futuras intervenciones en nuestro esfuerzo en erradicar este crimen. 

New Legislation Introduced to Improve Integrity of Trafficking in Persons Report

December 16, 2016

The TIP Report has long been the gold standard used to understand how trafficking is addressed around the world. It is essential that we keep it that way.

Need help? Polaris operates the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline.