Financial Systems

Referral Pathways: A Collaborative Strategy for Financial Inclusion

Blog Post — April 25, 2024
Financial abuse is one of the primary ways traffickers enforce control over the people they exploit, and how they profit from that exploitation.

In Harm’s Way: How Systems Fail Human Trafficking Survivors

Published January 25, 2023
The National Survivor Study used the experience and expertise from survivors to create a detailed picture of the arc of trafficking.

Credit Reporting Agencies are Failing Human Trafficking Survivors

Blog Post — September 29, 2022
Since the launch of the credit repair process for survivors of human trafficking, survivors have repeatedly reached out to Polaris to let us know that these new processes are not working as they are supposed to be.

Polaris Letter of Support for the ENABLERS Act

Published September 22, 2022
Polaris sent a letter to House and Senate leadership urging them to include the ENABLERS Act in the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act. This legislation closes a loophole that allows some businesses to skirt anti-money laundering responsibilities.

The Credit Repair Process for Survivors: What We Know So Far

Blog Post — August 16, 2022
Following the passage of the Debt Bondage Repair Act, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) was tasked with creating a process for consumer reporting agencies to allow survivors of trafficking to block adverse information from their credit. This is what we know so far.

Credit Repair Process for Survivors of Human Trafficking

Updated August 11, 2022
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), a U.S. government agency responsible for overseeing financial products and services for consumers, has published details of a new process for victims and survivors of trafficking to block adverse information from their credit reports that resulted from their trafficking experience. This fact sheet was created to provide survivors and advocates with additional information about this process.

New Legislation Provides Survivors with a Path to Financial Freedom

Blog Post — January 4, 2022
The Debt Bondage Repair Act creates a process through which survivors can provide information and have adverse credit information resulting from their trafficking experience removed from their credit report.

Bringing Survivor Expertise to Anti-Money Laundering Professionals

Blog Post — July 12, 2021
A collaboration between researcher and survivor expert Megan Lundstrom, Polaris, PayPal and Capital One, provides anti-money laundering professionals with new insights to interpret the stories told by the bank records and credit card transactions of people experiencing trafficking.

Launch of the Polaris Financial Intelligence Unit

Blog Post — February 18, 2020
The Financial Intelligence Unit will equip financial services with tools to better understand how traffickers use banks, credit cards, payment processors and the like.

PayPal, Polaris Join Forces To Fight Human Trafficking

January 16, 2020
Polaris's new Financial Intelligence Unit, which is made possible by financial and subject matter support from PayPal, is designed to leverage intelligence from the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline and other sources to interrupt trafficker cash flows and enable prosecutions for financial crimes including money laundering.

Systemic Change Matrix: Disrupting and Preventing Human Trafficking

Published May 31, 2018
This matrix depicts the 25 major types of human trafficking in the United States, cross-referenced with eight highlighted systems and industries.

Human Trafficking on Temporary Work Visas: A Data Analysis 2015-2017

Published June 1, 2018
This report analyzes data from the National Human Trafficking Hotline and spotlights how human traffickers are weaponizing structural flaws within the temporary work visa system.

Need help? Polaris operates the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline.