Labor Trafficking

On-Ramps, Intersections, and Exit Routes: A Roadmap for Systems and Industries to Prevent and Disrupt Human Trafficking

Published July 1, 2018
This report highlights the way industries can make fundamental shifts to their systems to prevent, detect, and disrupt human trafficking.

Individuals with Disabilities May Face Increased Risk of Human Trafficking

Blog Post — August 15, 2018

Any vulnerable person is at risk for human trafficking, however, individuals with disabilities may face increased risk for several reasons.

New Report Provides Roadmap for Industries to Join the Fight Against Human Trafficking

Blog Post — July 26, 2018

Polaris released its newest ground-breaking report on how human trafficking business models attempt to intersect with and use legitimate businesses like financial services, social media, hotels & motels, transportation systems, health care, and housing and homelessness systems to further their operations in very specific ways to recruit and exploit victims.

New Report Spotlights How Temporary Work Visas Facilitate U.S. Labor Trafficking

Blog Post — June 5, 2018

Over the course of this year, hundreds of thousands of laborers from around the world will be invited to our shores as guest workers. They will come in search of economic opportunity, or for a summer job and an adventure. As the debate over immigration rages on, these men and women will pick our fruits and vegetables, mow our lawns, care for our children and clean our homes. They will be here legally, as guests of the United States government, under temporary work visas programs that have existed for decades and grown steadily over that time.

Hidden in Plain Sight: How Corporate Secrecy Facilitates Human Trafficking in Illicit Massage Parlors

Published April 1, 2018
Illicit massage businesses have been ubiquitous in the American landscape for decades. Today, new research finds an estimated 9,000-plus of these businesses are operating in every state in the country.

Natural Disasters and the Increased Risk for Human Trafficking

Blog Post — September 1, 2017

As people throughout the United States continue to deal with the horrific hardships stemming from Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, it is critical that a response to potential human trafficking is part of long-term recovery efforts.

Why We Need to Classify Types of Human Trafficking

Blog Post — March 29, 2017

For the last 15 years, we've been battling a blurry image of what human trafficking actually looks like. With The Typology of Modern Slavery, our understanding is coming into sharper focus.

Sex and Labor Trafficking Redefined in The Typology of Modern Slavery

March 29, 2017

Polaris released a new report that breaks down instances of sex and labor trafficking into 25 distinct categories, detailing the unique trafficker profile, recruitment tactics, victim profile, and method of control for each different subset of modern slavery.

Polaris Hails ABC’s "American Crime” For Tackling Forced Labor Issues, Human Trafficking, Immigration, and Socioeconomic Divides This Season

March 10, 2017

Polaris hailed the 3rd season of the ABC series, "American Crime," for capturing the reality of modern slavery in the U.S. 

The Typology of Modern Slavery: Defining Sex and Labor Trafficking in the United States

Published March 1, 2017
From sex trafficking to labor trafficking, the ways humans are exploited differ greatly. Each type has unique strategies for recruiting and controlling victims and concealing the crime.

Labor Brokers and the Bait-and-Switch for Temporary Workers

Blog Post — March 8, 2016

A recent investigation shows how labor recruiters use false promises to entrap foreign workers. How do they get away with it?

Eight Decades Later, Congress Closes Loophole that Allowed Slave-Made Products into the US

Blog Post — February 17, 2016

For the past 85 years, US tariff law has failed to keep slave-made products out of the country. But last week, significant steps were taken to change that.

Need help? Polaris operates the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline.