Sex Trafficking

How the National Hotline Can Help Victims of Sex Trafficking from Latin America

Blog Post — February 24, 2017

Fighting this form of trafficking and supporting survivors requires an approach that respects these victims’ unique cultural and linguistic backgrounds.

Cómo la Línea Nacional Puede Ayudar a Víctimas de Trata Sexual Latinoamericanas

Blog Post — February 24, 2017

La lucha eficaz contra este tipo de trata y el apoyo a los sobrevivientes requiere un enfoque respetuoso con los antecedentes culturales y lingüísticos de estas víctimas.

Cantina Sex Trafficking: The Maria Bonita Case

Blog Post — January 17, 2017

This Houston-based case shows how difficult it can be for law enforcement to identify trafficking at cantinas and put traffickers out of business.

Bringing Together Anti-Sex Trafficking Groups in Mexico

Blog Post — December 19, 2016

Consulting with groups who are on the front lines working with survivors is a critical step that will inform and mold our efforts to eradicate this crime.

Reuniendo Organizaciones Contra la Trata Sexual en México

Blog Post — December 19, 2016

Consultar con los proveedores de servicios que están en primera línea trabajando con los sobrevivientes es una manera consistente de informar y moldear futuras intervenciones en nuestro esfuerzo en erradicar este crimen. 

Reaching Out for Help: A Guide for LGBTQ Youth on How to Receive Support and Services from the National Human Trafficking Hotline

Published December 1, 2016
Reaching out to a hotline for help can be daunting. This can be especially true for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or questioning (LGBTQ+) individuals.

Staying Safe: Tips for LGBTQ Youth for How to Protect Yourself and Your Community from Human Trafficking

Published November 1, 2016
While traffickers target many vulnerable populations, there are some circumstances or risk factors that traffickers often try to exploit, such as homelessness, or past histories of abuse or discrimination.

What the Arrest of the CEO Means for the Fight Against Trafficking

Blog Post — October 7, 2016

This is a major blow against an organization that many have called the “world’s top online brothel."

Responding to Survivors of Sex Trafficking from Mexico

Blog Post — September 14, 2016

It’s crucial to build a network of community organizations that are equipped to respond to the complex trauma sex trafficking victims from Mexico have experienced.

Fighting Sex Trafficking of Latinas in U.S. Cantinas and Bars

Blog Post — September 9, 2016

What you can do to combat this violent, little-known form of trafficking.

La Trata Sexual de Latinas Florece en Cantinas y Bares de los Estados Unidos

September 8, 2016

Polaris, organización líder en la lucha global para erradicar la esclavitud moderna y restaurar la libertad de los sobrevivientes, publicó hoy un informe que deja al descubierto la economía sexual clandestina que opera en bares y cantinas en los Estados Unidos y explota a mujeres y niñas provenientes de América Latina.

Sex Trafficking of Latinas Flourishes in U.S. Cantinas and Bars

September 8, 2016

Polaris, a leader in the global fight to eradicate modern slavery and restore freedom to survivors, released a report today shedding light on an underground sex economy that is operating out of U.S.-based cantinas and bars and is exploiting young women and girls from Latin America.

Need help? Polaris operates the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline.