Survivor Speak

Trafficking Survivor Celebrated on a National Stage

Blog Post — July 27, 2016

A trafficking survivor and advocate made her voice louder than ever last night on the stage of the Democratic National Convention.

Survivor Story: On New Beginnings

Blog Post — December 30, 2015

Natalie was being kept in a hotel against her will and forced into prostitution. Here's her story.

Survivor Story: A Global Journey to Help Her Family

Blog Post — November 30, 2015

Lynette came to America for an exciting new opportunity, hoping to help her family back home. But when she arrived, her employers subjected her to threats and abuse.

Survivor Story: Abandoned by a Traveling Sales Crew

Blog Post — August 25, 2015

Kevin was recruited by a crew member who came to his door selling magazines. The crew that Kevin joined was under the control of several managers, all of whom openly boasted about their arrest warrants.

Survivor Story: Promised an Education, Forced to Work Instead

Blog Post — June 17, 2015

Thirteen year old Natalia was told by her parents she was moving to the U.S. with family friends who would allow her to receive an education and learn English. 

Survivor Story: Four Children and a 16-Year Relationship

Blog Post — May 3, 2015

With four children between them and a 16-year relationship, Mari couldn’t imagine leaving Darrell. She didn’t see any viable options, even though he was physically abusive and forced her into commercial sex when money was tight.

Survivor Story: Boyfriend Turned Trafficker

Blog Post — April 14, 2015

Sarah met a kind and generous older guy after running away from a broken home. But once she moved in with this new boyfriend, he forced her into commercial sex to pay his rent.

Survivor Story: From Foster Care to Sex Trafficking

Blog Post — March 17, 2015

After running away from her foster family at 14, Keisha met an older man who offered to help her find her biological family. Then he forced her into commercial sex to repay him.

Survivor Story: Forced at Gunpoint

Blog Post — February 23, 2015

Brittany met a man at her local mall who offered her a job at his restaurant. Instead of working as a waitress, Brittany was forced to sell sex in a hotel room.

Survivor Story: Genocide Survivor to Labor Trafficking Victim

Blog Post — January 31, 2015

Upon coming to the United States with a wealthy family, Sabine was imprisoned in their home; unable to leave, she was made to work around the clock.

Survivor Story: Tricked by a Man She Trusted

Blog Post — January 5, 2015

Gabriella worked at a grocery store in Colombia. After moving to the United States in search of a better job, she was forced into prostitution by a person she trusted.

Survivor Story: He Dreamed of Working in the United States

Blog Post — November 8, 2014

Cristopher was thrilled to be fulfilling his lifelong dream to work in the United States, and he paid his labor recruiter nearly $5,000 for the opportunity.

Need help? Polaris operates the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline.