
Bringing Survivor Expertise to Anti-Money Laundering Professionals

July 12, 2021
A collaboration between researcher and survivor expert Megan Lundstrom, Polaris, PayPal and Capital One, provides anti-money laundering professionals with new insights to interpret the stories told by the bank records and credit card transactions of people experiencing trafficking.

Is Britney Spears a Trafficking Victim?

July 1, 2021
In a statement before a judge about her court-ordered conservatorship, pop icon Britney Spears likened her situation to a form of human trafficking. So is it? While we don't know the full extent of Spears' situation and cannot definitively say whether or not it amounts to trafficking, the level of financial and personal control that she described certainly resembles the forms of control and coercion tactics used in situations of labor trafficking.

Joint Open Letter to G7 Heads of State and Government

June 9, 2021
As leaders meet together this week for the G7 summit, Polaris joins a global group of anti-human trafficking organizations and leaders in a joint letter calling on the G7 to elevate and act on forced labor. Need for Coordinated Action by G7 Leaders on Forced Labour Leaders representing half the global economy meet together this … Continued

Trafficking vs. Smuggling: Understanding the Difference

May 25, 2021
A spike in the number of migrants attempting to cross into the United States from Mexico this spring has led to concerns about a surge in sex trafficking and claims that lax border enforcement is making trafficking easier. Let's lay out the facts.

Reducing Vulnerabilities to Human Trafficking with the Equality Act

May 7, 2021
LGBTQ+ people are particularly vulnerable to human traffickers in part because bias and discrimination in things like jobs and housing gives traffickers an opening to step in. The Equality Act would make such discrimination illegal under federal law.

The National Survivor Study: Harnessing the Power of Survivors to Shed Light on Trafficking

March 16, 2021
The National Survivor Study, an innovative and scientifically rigorous new project, will be designed from start to finish in close collaboration with survivors, who are the experts in their own experiences.

Impact of the Global Modern Slavery Directory in 2020

March 8, 2021
In 2020, hits to the Global Modern Slavery Directory hit a record high, increasing 67% from 2019 as survivors, potential victims, service providers, and community members sought resources globally.

Love and Trafficking: How Traffickers Groom & Control Their Victims

February 11, 2021
From the outside, it’s easy to tell ourselves we would never have been lured in by a trafficker who pretended to love us. But grooming - a methodical process of emotional manipulation - is time-tested and devastatingly effective. Learn more about how it works so you can spot it and protect yourself and those you care about.

Finding Solutions and Solidarity

February 5, 2021
There are many things the anti trafficking community does not agree on, and some very deep and very real divisions that make it hard to work together at times. We believe there are also real opportunities to work together toward things that will meaningfully improve people’s lives.

Need help? Polaris operates the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline.