Labor Trafficking

Happy 20th Anniversary Trafficking Victims Protection Act

Blog Post — October 28, 2020
October 28th marks 20 years since the first Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) was signed into law establishing the crime of human trafficking in the United States and forming the baseline for where the movement head.

Larsen Farms Should Make Agriculture Businesses Look in the Mirror

Blog Post — October 9, 2020
The case of Larsen Farms in Texas is only one example of how the H-2A visa system is badly broken. Farms owners should be held accountable for what happens under their watch.

Polaris Statement on the Notice from the USDA Canceling Farm Labor Survey

October 9, 2020
The USDA notice cancelling the Farm Labor Survey will lower the salaries of H-2A workers and also leaves them at more risk of human trafficking.

Racial Disparities, COVID-19, and Human Trafficking

Blog Post — July 29, 2020
The pandemic is greatly impacting Latinos and Black people in the United States as the result of systemic inequities in our society. Those inequities are the same ones that create the vulnerabilities that traffickers often take advantage of.

Human Trafficking and Prison Labor

Blog Post — July 7, 2020
Most people assume that slavery in the United States was abolished in any form but the reality is that the Thirteenth Amendment contained one important exception: Prison labor. Those who have been convicted of a crime can still be forced to work in this country.

2020 Trafficking in Persons Report Recommendations

Blog Post — June 29, 2020
The 2020 Trafficking in Persons is primarily a tool of diplomacy, used to help engage foreign governments in efforts to make positive changes that protect vulnerable people and end exploitation. But it is also a good jumping off point for the United States to do some much needed self-examination. 

Labor Trafficking Red Flags in Latest Work Visa Program Changes

Blog Post — June 23, 2020
During COVID-19, temporary changes in regulations to work visas, like H-2A and H-2B, benefit employers but put workers at greater risk of human trafficking and exploitation. Lack of oversight and lack of clear access to crucial information for workers increases the imbalance of power, favoring employers.

Alerta de trata laboral en los últimos cambios en visas temporales de trabajo

Blog Post — June 23, 2020
Los cambios en los protocolos de visas temporales de trabajo debido al COVID-19 crean más desbalances de poder y ponen a los trabajadores en riesgo de trata laboral.

Trafficking Is Also Hidden in Our Favorite Restaurant’s Kitchen

Blog Post — May 1, 2020
Some workers in the restaurant industry are now more isolated than ever due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This makes them even more vulnerable to human trafficking.

La trata también está escondida en la cocina de nuestro restaurante favorito

Blog Post — May 1, 2020
Algunos trabajadores de la industria de restaurantes ahora están más aislados que nunca debido a la pandemia de COVID-19. Esto los hace aún más vulnerables a la trata de personas.

La cara latina de la trata y la explotación en Estados Unidos

April 28, 2020
Polaris detalla las distintas industrias que en los Estados Unidos ofrecen un terreno fértil para la trata de personas y explotación de latinoamericanos y caribeños.

The Latino Face of Human Trafficking and Exploitation in the United States

April 27, 2020
In a new report, Polaris describes the industries that prey on communities from Latin America and the Caribbean for human trafficking and exploitation in the United States.

Need help? Polaris operates the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline.